How Travel And Yoga Can Change Your Life

An internal and external journey
My interest in travel started at an early age, almost as far back as I can remember. Both my grandmothers were travelers and I would spend hours talking to them about the countries they visited and experiences they had. I couldn’t think of anything more interesting than hoping on a plane to see how other people were living their lives on different continents. In this blog, discover how I caught the travel bug and enhanced my life with yoga.
How I Started Traveling
Fast forward to high-school, I decided to start cheerleading - as I had been a passionate gymnast and dancer growing up. It was during this experience that I received the opportunity to go to Hawaii to participate in the Pro Bowl half time show with the USA Cheerleading Association. Even though I was still the US, it was enough of an environmental and cultural difference that sparked the flame for an everlasting desire to travel for the rest of my life.
I was lucky enough to be invited back to Hawaii the following year, and as soon as I graduated high-school, I was off on a jet plane to see the world. First stop, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This trip then motivated me to leave my home in the Bay Area permanently to seek a slower pace of life in Lake Tahoe, California. During this time, I was going to college in the mountains and they announced a study abroad trip to Salamanca, Spain. I didn’t hesitate to sign up. This program took me to western Europe and I was fortunate enough to explore all over Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Holland.
Travel Changed Me
After this trip, I came home different person. I could feel subtle changes in my thinking and behavior – which ultimately changed the experiences I had moving forward. After 5 years in alpine paradise, and acceptance into San Diego State University, it was time for another move. So I packed my things and headed to the beach.
After I graduated, I worked for an environmental consulting firm and was so excited about having PAID VACATION. This took to me to the Bahamas, South America, all over the United States and Australia.
A New Chapter
The second I sat down in my seat on Qantas and heard the Aussie flight attendant start speaking, a surge of excitement raced through my veins unlike anything I had ever felt. I was hooked and knew even before I landed in Sydney that this was the beginning of a new chapter.
Once home, I started to reassess everything. Five years of corporate life left me feeling unwell. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time was causing back and neck pain and I constantly had this burning desire for more. This was when I began taking yoga classes to help with the pain I was experiencing and I quickly fell in love with the physical, mental and emotional release.
In addition to traveling, the other two things I spent a lot of time thinking about was buying a house and a dog. So the next year, I did just that and met my first furry life companion, Sierra. I knew that this would make my dream of going back to Australia a little harder, but I didn’t let it stop me. I found renters for the house, a temporary home for Sierra and BOOM…about a year and half later, I was on my second flight to Australia.
The Big Move
My intention this time was to just stay 3 months and get experience working as an intern for an environmental non-profit, but the universe had another plan. After about 2 months, they offered me a 4 year visa and a full time job. Within 6 months I was moving into a house with a yard for Sierra, and within a year, she finally met me down under. We lived in Sydney, Australia for the next 5 years. During this time, I again was fortunate to explore all over eastern Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Japan, Vietnam and Sweden. During my time in Australia, I continued to practice yoga (and was introduced to SUP yoga!) on a regular basis and made it a priority whenever I traveled. It was so interesting to see the different studios all over the world, experience all types of teachers and styles, and deepen my knowledge of the practice and its goals.
After all this travel around the world, seeing amazing sights and meeting beautiful people, I was again at a cross roads. This time the desire for travel wasn’t to another country, it was inside. I firmly believe that all these life changing experiences and yoga classes finally permeated my inner core and soul and I began a new journey… to discover who I am and what my purpose is.
The Journey Within
After working in the corporate world for about 10 years, I was burnt out, in physical pain and unhappy. I decided to quit my job and take a month off to reassess. During this time, I signed up for my 200hr yoga teacher training in Sydney, Australia. This was something I had been thinking about for years, but I wasn’t sure the teaching part was for me. I liked the idea of deepening my practice and learning more about yoga for stress relief, so I began this month-long journey.
During the first week of training I had my revelation... yoga philosophy was the missing link for me. I loved the physical practice, but when you combine it with the philosophical concepts, it answered all the questions I've ever asked. Everything I had been through and experienced to this point, had led me here. This was exactly what I was suppose to be doing with my life. I felt a sense of happiness, contentment and being home like I had never felt before. I had finally found my purpose.
The Journey Home
The next year consisted of me finishing my 200hr teacher training in Australia, moving to Bali, Indonesia for 3 months to complete a 300hr advanced teacher training and SUP yoga certification and soaking up as much knowledge as I could. My body changed, my mind changed, and I experienced transformation on a new level. The path was clear now. I decided to move back to the US to pursue my new life as a yoga teacher. So I packed up 5 years of Australia into 4 suitcases, popped Sierra on a flight and we headed home.
Since then, I have been teaching yoga and SUP yoga on a regular basis in San Diego, California with a goal of sharing these life changing tools with as many people as possible. Travel led me around the world and then yoga led me home in a way that I will forever be grateful for.
Without a doubt, every single time I find myself in lack, feeling hopeless, low confidence or the unknown… it’s yoga’s philosophical concepts, poses, breathing, concentrations techniques and meditation that helps me get grounded, unmasking my veil, allowing illusions to fade away, so I can take myself from a restrictive, tiny, boxed up view to the HUGE, expansive, panoramic vision that helps me come back to reality.
But ultimately, teaching yoga isn’t about me… my path is about helping others RISE, so collectively all living things including this planet can.
How To Change Your Life
If you start practicing yoga to feel better, possibly even mastered some advanced yoga poses, but haven't had the internal transformation you'd hoped for, I'd love to chat.
If you've ever wondered if there's more to this 6000+ year old set of life enhancing tools, I'm here to show you there is. Learn more by clicking the link below.
The 8 Limbs Yoga Tribe