The 3rd Limb of Yoga: Asana and Yoga Poses

Steady & Comfortable
'Sthira sukham asanam' - The posture for yoga meditation should be steady, stable, and comfortable - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra 2.46
The word 'Sthira' refers to stability, intent, and strength. It arises from the root stha, which means 'to stand, to be firm'. The word 'Sukha refers to comfort, ease, and openness, and the literal meaning is 'good space', from the root words su (good) and kha (space).
The concept of Sthira and Sukha in yogic philosophy alludes to exactly that; the polarized yet completely balanced nature of life.
In this blog, we'll explore the importance of Asana and how it can enhance the quality of our lives.
Brief Yoga History: Yoga Sutras + 8 Limbs of Yoga
The true meaning of Yoga is the union of body, mind, soul, and spirit to reduce suffering.
According to the practice, we often suffer because of not knowing our true Self and the illusion of separation of our individual consciousness from Universal Consciousness.
So taking a step back... where do Asanas come from?
Asana or postures are the 3rd Limb of Yoga, within the 8 Limbs of Yoga, which are 30+ concepts that come from the Yoga Sutras. If you'd like to dive deeper into the other Limbs, I have written the additional blogs below so far:
1st Limb of Yoga - The Yamas
- Ahimsa/ NonViolence
- Satya/ Truthfulness
- Asteya/ NonStealing
- Brahmacharya/ NonExcess
- Aparigraha/ NonAttachment
2nd Limb of Yoga - The Niyamas
- Saucha / Purification
- Santosha / Contentment
- Tapas / Self Discipline
- Svadhyaya / Self Study
- Ishvara Pranidhana / Surrender
3rd Limb of Yoga - Asana
4th Limb of Yoga - Pranayama
5th Limb of Yoga - Pratyahara
6th Limb of Yoga - Dharana
7th Limb of Yoga - Dhyana
8th Limb of Yoga - Samadhi
The Yoga Sutras contain 196 verses, which discuss the aim of yoga and how you strive for freedom, liberation and self-realization - the 8th Limb of Yoga, also called Samadhi.
The Yoga Sutras were transcribed by a man (and most likely many of his colleagues and students) named Patanjali, presumably from India, living somewhere between the 2nd and 4th century BC, and act as a practical guide to assist you on your journey of remembering the ultimate union.
According to the Sutras, beginning the pursuit of self-realization is the most significant step in life – as they make us aware of our pitfalls and how to overcome them.
The Meaning of Asana
Asana is derived from Sanskrit meaning 'sitting down, a sitting posture, a seat.'
The word was first used in English to mean a yoga posture in 1834. Leslie Kaminoff writes in Yoga Anatomy that from one point of view, "all of asana practice can be viewed as a methodical way of freeing up the spine and limbs, so that the yogi can spend extended periods of time in a seated position for meditation.”
This is fascinating because at one point in time, pre Tantric era before asana was practiced, yogis were thought to meditate without doing anything physical first. Therefore a great definition of asana is: positions for the body, originally a sitting pose for meditation, and later in hatha yoga and more modern variations adding reclining, folding, lateral movement, standing, inverting, twisting, and balancing poses.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali define ‘asana’ as a position that is steady and comfortable.
Therefore, if you are not steady and comfortable physically and with the breath, you need to take a step back and think about why? Something to consider here would be the Ego and determining if it's out of balance. Possibly needing to prove something to yourself or someone else about things like your abilities, experience, knowledge, etc.
"Yoga is much more than performing physical poses, yet doing these purifies and prepares our bodies for meditation. Our physical health affects our heart-mind and vice-versa. As we twist, jump, stretch and invert all parts of our physique, impurities are churned up and released, allowing our life force (Prana) to flow more easily and improving our overall well-being" ~ Nicolai Bachman, The Path Of The Yoga Sutras
Types of Yoga Poses:
The evolution of yoga poses spans thousands of years, starting with a seated pose and expanding to various types of poses lying down, seated and standing. Instead of listing a long list of poses, I think it's more beneficial to learn the main categories they fall into:
- Balancing
- Inversions
- Forward Folds
- Backbends
- Twists
- Laterals
I also like to mention that 'standing' poses are not necessary and you can get the benefits of these poses doing other things like working out, strength training, and cardio. You can then try sequences of only seated or laying down postures for relaxation and to help you prepare to meditate. Classes with only these poses are called 'Yin Yoga' and 'Restorative Yoga'.
Benefits of Asana / Yoga Poses ON and OFF the mat:
Yoga poses have a multitude of physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual benefits, some of which include:
- Improves strength, posture, flexibility and balance
- Reduces pain and arthritis symptoms
- Improves heart and cardiovascular health
- Increases lung capacity
- Improves relaxation and sleep
- Helps to manage stress, focus and concentration
- Improves mood and energy
- Improves self-awareness
- Community building if you practice with others
- Contributes to overall selfcare, health and wellness
- Reduce distractions and suffering
- Helps to prepare you for meditation
- Improves connection and relationship with Self and external world
- Connects you to something bigger / spiritual exploration
Mantra and Active Meditation Technique for Asana
Gam Ganapateye Namo Namaha
"As you chant this mantra, draw your mind to the Divine inner wisdom of the 'Ganas' and all the ways in which we experience this world and our ability to come into understanding, and not be a puppet to our 5 Senses while getting centered and balanced." - Janet Stone
Options include:
- Sit or lay down and say or sing the mantra silently or out loud.
- Listen to a recording and sing along
- Could wear Mala beads and move fingers along beads for each verse.
"The practice of asana purifies the body and clarifies the heart-mind. Our body is a sacred temple designed to make it possible for us to self-reflect and connect with a higher awareness within. When our limbs are supple, our breath is smooth, and no energy is blocked, we can relax and focus our attention inward, cultivating inner beauty and happiness" - Nicolai Bachman, The Path Of The Yoga Sutras
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