The Niyamas - Saucha: External & Internal Purification

Purify To Shine
"As a result of purification, one establishes a detachment from the body and is not influenced by others" ~ The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.40
The word ‘saucha’ means to cleanse or purify. This niyama teaches us that it's beneficial to not only cleanse our bodies and surroundings, but there are many benefits for our spiritual journey when we purify our emotions and mind.
In this blog, we'll explore the importance of Saucha and how it can enhance the quality of our lives.
Brief Yoga History: Yoga Sutras + 8 Limbs of Yoga
The true meaning of Yoga is the union of body, mind, soul, and spirit to reduce suffering.
According to the practice, we often suffer because of not knowing our true Self and the illusion of separation of our individual consciousness from Universal Consciousness.
So taking a step back... where do the Niyamas come from?
The five Niyamas are the 2nd Limb of Yoga, within the 8 Limbs of Yoga, which are 30+ concepts that come from the Yoga Sutras. If you'd like to dive deeper into the other Limbs, I have written the additional blogs below so far:
1st Limb of Yoga - The Yamas
- Ahimsa/ NonViolence
- Satya/ Truthfulness
- Asteya/ NonStealing
- Brahmacharya/ NonExcess
- Aparigraha/ NonAttachment
2nd Limb of Yoga - The Niyamas
- Saucha / Purification
- Santosha / Contentment
- Tapas / Discipline
- Svadhyaya / Self Study
- Ishvara Prandihana / Surrender
3rd Limb of Yoga - Asana
4th Limb of Yoga - Pranayama
5th Limb of Yoga - Pratyahara
6th Limb of Yoga - Dharana
7th Limb of Yoga - Dhyana
8th Limb of Yoga - Samadhi
The Yoga Sutras contain 196 verses, which discuss the aim of yoga and how you strive for freedom, liberation and self-realization - the 8th Limb of Yoga, also called Samadhi.
The Yoga Sutras were transcribed by a man (and most likely many of his colleagues and students) named Patanjali, presumably from India, living somewhere between the 2nd century BCE and the 5th century CE, and act as a practical guide to assist you on your journey of remembering the ultimate union.
According to the Sutras, beginning the pursuit of self-realization is the most significant step in life – as they make us aware of our pitfalls and how to overcome them.
The Meaning of Saucha
Where the Yamas are helping us deepen our relationship with the external world, the Niyamas are helping us to enhance our relationship with our internal world.
As we purify ourselves externally and internally, we create a sense of peace and the mind and emotions can start to calm.
It's not a coincidence that we feel more at ease when we are fresh out of the shower, or when our house has been freshly cleaned. It's the same for our minds. When we can let go of repetitive thought patterns and emotions that weigh us down, we begin to experience the magic of Saucha.
"The practice of Saucha is helping us to cleanse and purify so we can be with each moment. As we lose the heaviness of waste and clutter, we begin to feel lighter, more spacious and expansive. Our bodies become alive, our minds more clear, and our hearts more compassionate." ~ Deborah Adele, The Yamas & Niyamas
How To Apply Saucha to Your Practice & Life
ON the mat:
- Are you practicing with a clean body and nasal passage way?
- Are you practicing with an empty stomach, bladder, and colon? This can make the practice more enjoyable.
- Are your mat and props clean?
- Are you practicing in a clean space?
- In each pose, can you close your eyes more, so you can cleanse the eye sight, removing distractions and feeling more?
- Can you use the poses to intentionally breath in each pose?
- Notice your breath and lungs, how smooth is your breathing?
- Can you use the poses and your breath to cleanse your mind of thoughts?
- Once the mind is more clear, notice how that effects your emotions.
OFF the mat:
- Once you purify externally, can your notice changes internally?
- Does cleansing the body and mind affect your energy levels?
- Does cleansing the body and mind affect your emotions?
- Think about what you are putting into your body on a daily basis: food, water... anything else?
- Think about what you are mentally consuming each day: reading, watching and is it negative or positive?
- Think about who you are surrounding yourself with each day and what type of conversations you are having... are they positive or negative?
- Think about where you are each day, and is it uplifting or inspiring?
Benefits of Practicing Saucha
- Purification of the physical, mental, emotional and energetic states
- Harmony in the mind, cheerfulness, clarity in thinking, purity of intellect
- More focus and concentration
- Deepened relationship to the 5 senses which is how you begin to meditate and balance thoughts and emotions
- Deepened relationship overall to Self.
Mantra and Active Meditation Technique for Saucha
Om aim hridayam namaha
Hridaya means “spiritual heart” or “heart center
Chanting the heart mantra ignites the heart fire to burn through whatever blocks us from recognizing our true Self.
Options include:
- Sit or lay down and say or sing mantra silently or out loud.
- Could wear Mala beads and move fingers along beads for each verse.
- Listen HERE and sing with music
Practicing purification of our bodies, minds, emotions and energy helps us to experience a greater sense of inner peace, because by cleansing, we improve our relationship with the present moment.
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