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The Transformation Blog

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wide leg seated forward yoga pose
The Yamas - Asteya: Non-Stealing From Yourself & Others asteya/nonstealing the eight limbs of yoga the yamas

You Are & Have Enough 

“To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.37

Asteya / NonStealing, is ...

The Yamas - Satya: Truthfulness in a World of Deception satya/truthfulness the eight limbs of yoga the yamas

True Essence, Pure, Reality 

'To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient’ - 
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, II.36...

What is Samadhi - The 8th Limb of Yoga? samadhi/ enlightenment the eight limbs of yoga the eighth limb of yoga

Love, freedom & unification

"Patanjali introduces the concept of samadhi and its stages in verses 17–23, and defines it more completely in Sutras 42–...

How to Practice Dhyana: A Guide to the Seventh Limb of Yoga dhyana/meditation the eight limbs of yoga the seveth limb of yoga

A glimpse into the soul

‘In this place of continuous concentration, the confines of the mind release & Dhyana emerges’ ~ Yoga Sutra 3.2

In this blog...

How to Practice Dharana: A Guide to the Sixth Limb of Yoga dharana/concentration the eight limbs of yoga the sixth limb of yoga

Ending multi-tasking

Dharana / Deep Concentration is the binding of the mind to one place, object or idea ~ Yoga Sutras 3.1

In this blog, we'll expl...

The Yamas - What is Ahimsa/ NonViolence? ahimsa/nonviolence the eight limbs of yoga the yamas

Everything You Need To Know 

Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that can be translated to non-harming or non-violence. The root of the word, 'himsa' meaning '...

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