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The Transformation Blog

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wide leg seated forward yoga pose
The Yamas - Asteya: Non-Stealing From Yourself & Others asteya/nonstealing the eight limbs of yoga the yamas

You Are & Have Enough 

“To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.37

Asteya / NonStealing, is ...

The Yamas - Satya: Truthfulness in a World of Deception satya/truthfulness the eight limbs of yoga the yamas

True Essence, Pure, Reality 

'To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient’ - 
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, II.36...

What is Samadhi - The 8th Limb of Yoga? samadhi/ enlightenment the eight limbs of yoga the eighth limb of yoga

Love, freedom & unification

"Patanjali introduces the concept of samadhi and its stages in verses 17–23, and defines it more completely in Sutras 42–...

How to Practice Dhyana: A Guide to the Seventh Limb of Yoga dhyana/meditation the eight limbs of yoga the seveth limb of yoga

A glimpse into the soul

‘In this place of continuous concentration, the confines of the mind release & Dhyana emerges’ ~ Yoga Sutra 3.2

In this blog...

How to Practice Dharana: A Guide to the Sixth Limb of Yoga dharana/concentration the eight limbs of yoga the sixth limb of yoga

Ending multi-tasking

Dharana / Deep Concentration is the binding of the mind to one place, object or idea ~ Yoga Sutras 3.1

In this blog, we'll expl...

Want To Learn The Secrets Of Yoga? learn yoga

A 6000+ year old set of life enhancing tools

Rewind to 1971, Sat Jivan Singh Khalsa moves to New York to share the teachings of Yogi Bhajan – the Kun...

Want to do Sound Healing or a Sound Bath in San Diego? sound baths sound healing

A multi-faceted wellness modality

Sound Healing is a multi-faceted wellness modality that involves listening to various types of instruments being pl...

Yoga For Stress Relief: Transform Your Life yoga for stress relief

Chronic stress negatively effects the immune system

According to the National Library of Medicine, 'chronic stress has a significant effect on the im...

How Travel And Yoga Can Change Your Life change your life

An internal and external journey

My interest in travel started at an early age, almost as far back as I can remember. Both my grandmothers were trave...

What is Tantric Hatha Yoga? tantric hatha yoga

The history of a life enhancing practice

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, written around 400 AD, summarizes the ancient practices of yoga. Many scholars...